Setting defaults

  1. In the SII Configuration tool, click the Defaults tab.
  2. In the Controller section, specify the sleep time in seconds.

    This is the amount of time that the connector waits before checking if a request has been made for it to end either by running the End Spain SII Controller command or by ending the controller service.

  3. In the Service Call Retries section, specify the sleep time in seconds for both the short and long interval retries.

    Occasionally, the Spanish Tax Authority web service may become temporarily unavailable, for example, due to maintenance. If this is the case, the controller will try to resubmit the request several times. Initially, this is done through the short retry interval. When all short retries are exhausted, the controller drops through to the long retry intervals. If all retries are exhausted, then the processing thread for that particular service is ended. For example, if the failure occurs for the supply invoice, service processing for other services will continue normally.

  4. If a proxy server is required, specify this information in the Proxy Server Settings section:
    Note: Your network administrator will supply the values for these fields if a proxy server is required. If a proxy server is not used, leave these entries blank.

    Specify the name of the proxy server that is used for HTTPS requests.


    Specify the port number used for HTTPS requests.


    If user authentication is required, specify the user ID for HTTP requests.


    If user authentication is required, specify the password associated with the user ID for HTTPS requests. Confirm the password.

  5. In the Archiving section, specify the number of days before the data returned from the web service is archived. This processing applies to each of the inbound folders, namely, the Inbox Registered and Unregistered folders and the Sent Items Registered and Unregistered folders.

    At startup and during idle periods, the controller first checks for the existence of any archive, or .zip file, in the inbound folder that was created during the specified archiving period.

    If one is found, no further archiving action is required as this archive is current. If an archive file was not found or is found with a last modified date that is outside the archiving period, a new archive file is created and populated by using any XML files that are older than the specified archiving period in the inbound folder. These XML files are then removed from the inbound folder.

  6. In the Partially Correct Responses, select the Save as registered check box if you require partially correct responses from the web service to be filed in the same location as those that are completely correct.