Accessing the SDI Inquiry

  1. Browse to http://localhost:<port>/SdiSalesInquiry/SalesInquiry.
    When a prompt is displayed, specify your user name and password and click OK.
    Note: Tomcat must be started before the SDI Inquiry can be used.
    The SDI Inquiry home page is displayed.
  2. Specify this information:
    Accounting Entity

    Specify the name of the company you want to run an inquiry on.

    From Issue Date
    Optionally, select or specify the beginning date an inquiry covers.
    To Issue Date
    Optionally, select or specify the end date an inquiry covers.
    Note: The From and To Issue Dates refer to the invoice issuance date, not the submission date.
    Invoice Number
    Optionally, specify a single invoice number.
  3. Click Continue.