Rejecting a Supplier Invoice (Notifica di Scarto Estio a PA)

The XML you receive from SDI contain details similar to this:


To respond to this invoice, you need to perform these steps

  1. Create an XML file called ITAAAAAAAAAAA_BBBBB.xml where:
    • the As are your TaxID.
    • the Bs are the sequence number from your Supplier Invoice.

    For example: IT1234567890_A0005

  2. Copy this template into your XML file:
    <xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <tns:InvoiceStatusResponse xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" InforSdiPurchase.xsd ">
    <tns:Note>The invoice was accepted</tns:Note>
  3. Edit the contents of the XML:
    • Replace the As with your Tax ID, without the IT prefix.
    • Replace the Cs with the invoice number you are rejecting. The invoice number can be found in the <numero> element.
    • Replace the Invoice Date with the date you are rejecting. The invoice date can be found in the <data> element.
  4. Save the XML.
  5. Copy the XML into the Purchase/Outbox folder of the tax connector.
    The revised XML is processed and if successful, returns a status saying the task is completed.