Accepting a Supplier Invoice (Notifica di estio da PA)

The XML you receive from SDI contain details similar to this:


To respond to this invoice, you need to perform these steps

  1. Create an XML file called ITAAAAAAAAAAA_BBBBB.xml where:
    • the As are your TaxID.
    • the Bs are the sequence number from your Supplier Invoice.

    For example: IT1234567890_A0005

  2. Copy this template into your XML file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <tns:InvoiceStatusResponse xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" InforSdiPurchase.xsd ">
    <tns:Note>The invoice was accepted</tns:Note>
  3. Edit the contents of the XML:
    • Replace the As with your Tax ID, without the IT prefix.
      Note: Sometimes the code that you used to register with SDI is different to your Tax ID. You can tell if this is the case because the IdCodice (IDTrasmittente block) differs from the IdCodice (CedentePrestatore block) on your sales invoices. In this case, change the <tns:TaxPayerID> equal to the IdCodice (IDCedentePrestatore block).
    • Replace the Cs with the invoice number you are accepting. The invoice number can be found in the <numero> element.
    • Replace the Invoice Date with the date you are accepting. The invoice date can be found in the <data> element.
  4. Save the XML.
  5. Copy the XML into the Purchase/Outbox folder of the tax connector.
    The revised XML is processed and if successful, returns a status saying the task is completed.