Running the Sales Inquiry

The Sales Invoice Status Inquiry is run through a browser and requires Tomcat authentication to be set up for all users.

  1. Locate this XML file or navigate to the Apache Tomcat folder:
    <Tomcat folder>\conf\tomcat-users.xml
  2. Replace the user ID and password in the XML file:
    1. Edit these lines to replace the user ID and password:
      <user username="userId" password="password" roles=""/>
      For example, if you want your user to be sdiuserinq with a password sdipassword, then you should change the lines to:
      <user username="sdiuserinq" password="sdipassword" roles=""/>
      Note: The roles must always be for sales inquiry.
    2. Copy, paste, and change these lines for all users that you want to create.
    3. Save your changes and restart Tomcat.