Creating backups

To create backups, locate and run Backup Database.exe in the SDI folder of the tax connector. For example, C:\ProgramFiles\Infor\Localization Services\Italy\SDI.

Alternatively, you can click the Backup Database icon found in the Infor Italian Tax Authority Connector program group.

  • Two backups are created, labeled as dbBack and dbBack_2.
  • When the backup is run for the first time, dbBack is created.
  • When the backup is run for the second time, dbBack becomes dbBack_2 and a new dbBack is created.
  • When the backup is run for the third time, dbBack_2 is deleted, dbBack becomes the new dbBack_2, and a new dbBack is created.
Note: Alternatively, backups can also be done by explicit backup of the db folder of the tax connector, for example, C:\Program Files\Infor\Localization Services\Italy\SDI\db. This option requires that both the tax connector and Derby database are in inactive mode prior to backup.