Authorize the software

  1. Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/oauth/grant.
    Note: The URL must correspond to the environment specified during installation. For example, if the environment used is EN1, then the URL would be http://localhost:8080/oauthEN1/grant.

    An iexplore.exe window is displayed. Specify your username and password you have added to the Tomcat user files above. Click OK.

    Note: Ensure that Tomcat is running
  2. On the Grant authorization window, select the tax payer you want to authorize. Click Continue.
    You will be redirected to the HMRC Authority to interact with HMRC on your behalf page. Click Continue
  3. Specify your user credentials. Click Sign in.
  4. On the Authority to interact with HMRC on your behalf, click Grant Authority.
  5. Click Return.
    Close the browser or return to the initial page to authorize another tax payer.
    Note: The Authorization details can be seen in the User's tab of the UK Tax Authority Connector Configuration Utility.