Modifying the lawson.xml document

Note: The Smart Notification lawson.xml file is delivered with some predefined form link definitions. Perform this procedure only to define additional forms in the lawson.xml document.

You must know the Lawson Portal or LID key information.

  1. Open lawson.xml in a text editor. This document is located in the directory of configuration files. The default location is <LBI_HOME>\<SN_HOME>\conf\lawson.xml.
  2. Locate the AppUI property name tag.
    • To use LID, specify LID.
    • To use Lawson Portal, specify portal.
    Note: The AppUI setting was set during installation or configuration.
  3. Locate the property and value settings.
    • For the property setting, specify the ID number for the form to link to. For example, AP30.2.
    • For the value setting, specify the corresponding form name. For example, Distribution Adjustments.

    This is an example of a form definition:

    <property name="AP30.2" value="Distribution Adjustments">
    <KEY name="Company" size="4" type="NUMERIC" fieldNum="3"/>
    <KEY name="Vendor" size="9" type="ALPHA" fieldNum="6"/>
    <KEY name="Invoice" size="22" type="ALPHA" fieldNum="8"/>
    <KEY name="Post Date" size="10" type="YYYYMMDD" fieldNum="15"/>