Working with dial, gauge, and button parameters

The table below includes each parameter, its corresponding description, the display type it applies to, and the parameter's valid values.

Parameter Description Display Type Valid Values
limit1 This parameter specifies an upper threshold or the value that you specify overrides the upper threshold that you selected in the condition.
  • Dial
  • Gauge
  • Button
Any valid number

Date value

limit2 This parameter specifies a lower threshold or the value that you specify overrides the lower threshold that you selected in the condition.
  • Dial
  • Gauge
  • Button

Any valid number

Date value

ticval This parameter specifies the 1% increment of the display's full scale.
  • Dial
  • Gauge

Any valid numberDate value

columns This parameter specifies the number of images in the row. The default is one image per row.
  • Dial
  • Gauge
  • Button
imgwidth This parameter specifies the image's width. The default is the image's actual width, but the image is scaled, if necessary.
  • Dial
  • Gauge
  • Button
imgheight This parameter specifies the image's height. The default is the image's actual height, but the image is scaled, if necessary.
  • Dial
  • Gauge
  • Button
needleCol This parameter specifies the needle's color. The default is blue.
  • Dial
  • Gauge
Color Name

RGB Value (white = 0xffffff)

doSweep If set to true, this parameter fills the scale's minimum to the current value with the color you specify for the sweepCol parameter. This parameter gives a thermometer effect to a gauge.
  • Dial
  • Gauge


sweepCol This parameter specifies the fill color for the distance the needle moves from the minimum value to the current value. You can only use this option if the doSweep parameter is set to true. The default is blue.
  • Dial
  • Gauge
Color Name

RGB Value (white = 0xffffff)