Using FusionCharts

The FusionCharts documentation site contains a list of parameters for each chart type:

To view a these lists, navigate to the Chart XML API folder and select the chart type you are working with or select from one of these links:

Building FusionCharts parameters

Click the Option link to add additional parameters to the item. You can add one or many additional parameters to your chart. List multiple parameters using the ampersand (&) sign.

This is an example of a chart with multiple FusionCharts parameters: yAxisName=GRAPD&showValues=0&yAxisMinValue=8000&connectNullData=0&animation=0.

Common parameters used with FusionCharts

These are common parameters used with FusionCharts:

  • Enable Exporting

    Use this parameter to allow end users to save the image of the chart as a .jpeg, .png, or .pdf file.

    For example, &exportEnabled=1.

    Set the parameter to 1 to enable exporting.

  • Using Measures

    Your can use multiple measures for all charts other than pie charts. Use the measures parameter to identify only those measures you want to display in the chart.

    For example, &chartMeasure=measure1;measure2,

    Where measure is the name of the measure you want displayed in the chart.

    For example, &chartMeasure=LAST_WEEK;CURRENT_WEEK,

    Note: Separate each measure with a semicolon (;).

Pie charts

Pie charts only supports one measure. You will need to select the measures you want in the chart.

for example, &chartMeasure=measure,

Where measure is the name of the measure you want displayed in the chart.

For example, &chartMeasure=CURRENT_WEEK.