Creating solution packs

Use this procedure to create solution packs. Before you create a solution pack, note these:

  • Importing overwrites what is there: You should test your solution pack on a fresh system, or at least with a fresh repository. When a solution pack is imported, if there is a notification with the same name and same owner, it will be modified.

    Data in InfoSets will be lost. Always back up your repository using that database’s backup tools prior to testing an import.

  • Logical devices: All notifications should be set to use logical devices, default, priority etc. Otherwise, you must also export the device that it is using which will create a new device on import.
  • Using the defaults: It is recommended all notifications and templates be set to default. Use the default, unspecified, template and the imported notifications will pick up the default templates from the importing system.
  • Knowing your dependencies: The export does not check for dependencies at export time, only during import. You must export all notifications that reference each other, "Root Cause", References, Subscriptions, Templates, Personal Variables, Devices and Documents all must be exported if they are referenced by notifications.
  1. Click Admin > Solution Pack Builder. The solution Pack Builder screen is displayed.
  2. Specify this information in the Solutions Pack Properties section of the screen.
    Name and Version
    These fields are used to identify the solution pack and should be unique. They are also used to generate the solution pack filename in the form of Name-Version. For example, MyNotifications-3.ZIP.
    Description is only displayed during import and should be descriptive.
    Data Source Options
    These options provide control over the exporting of data sources that are used by the selected InfoSets.

    By default, the data sources that are referenced by the selected InfoSets are exported without including user IDs and passwords.

    Click the Include Data Source Details check box to export without including user IDs and passwords.

    Click the Include user IDs and passwords check box to include login information in the solution pack, allowing anyone importing the pack access to the data.

  3. Specify this information to build the solution pack:
    InfoSets Namespaces
    InfoSets are exported by namespace, the group under which they are listed on the Work with InfoSets screen. Check the include box for all namespaces that should be exported. The export includes all Datasources and Application links for each of the InfoSets in these namespaces.
    Note: Name the namespaces uniquely to avoid name conflicts during import.
    Notification Groups
    Notifications are exported by owner and group name. Check the include box for all notification groups that should be exported. The export will not include other content that these Notifications reference. All referenced content must be specifically included.
    Note: Name the notification groups uniquely to avoid name clashes during import

    Notifications that are destined for export should be defined to deliver only to the default device. Otherwise the delivery for all users will go to the physical device.

    Templates are exported individually. Check the include box for all Templates that should be exported.

    Only templates that have been specifically modified for specific notifications should be exported.

    Note: Name the templates uniquely to avoid over writing existing templates during import.
    Devices are exported individually. Check the include box for all devices that should be exported. Only devices that have been specifically modified for specific notifications should be exported.
    Note: Name the devices uniquely to avoid over writing existing Devices during import.
    Personal variables are exported individually. Check the include box for all personal variables that should be exported. Only personal variables that have been specifically modified for specific notifications should be exported.
    Note: Name the personal variables uniquely to avoid over writing existing Personal Variables during import.
    Content includes all documents, URLs, and notes that have been added to the repository using the Auto-Relate page and are exported individually. Check the include box for all Content that should be exported. Only Content that has been specifically modified for specific notifications should be exported.
    Note: Name the content uniquely to avoid overwriting existing content.
  4. Click Create Solution Pack to generate the ZIP file and returns it to the browser. Clicking this button activates the browser’s File Download dialog box where you will be prompted to open the file or save it to disk. Select save to disk and pick a suitable location.
  5. Click Create XML Definition to generate the XML that is used to create the solution pack returns it to the browser. The definition is displayed as plain text and is used to show the selections.
    Note: This button is useful for debugging or when calling support.