Modifying a report schedule's default permissions
Note: Permissions determine the actions that the user can perform on the report.
Permissions assigned to the schedule override the settings specified in the report. When you
assign permissions at the report level, all users assigned to the report inherit the
permissions. You can also add specific override permissions at the user level.
- Access the required report.
- Select the details of the report
- Select Default Permissions. The Distribution Options screen is displayed.
Check the required default permissions for the report.
Note: You can use the override permission options on the Report Users screen to assign specific permissions to individual users. The permissions set on individual users override the general permissions set on the Report Details screen.
Specify this information:
- Maintain the bursting options
- Select either RPT or Lawson Applications.
- Maintain the parameters
- This permission allows the user to add or delete report parameters. This permission also allows the user to modify the parameter details such as data type and value. Select RPT or Lawson Applications.
- View the latest instance
- This permission is enabled by default. If you do not select this option and users are added to a report, the new users will see the report but will not be able to open it. Select RPT or Lawson Applications.
- View with refresh data
- This permission allows the user to update the data in the report. The
user may be prompted to specify a password if one has not already been set up for
the report. The password can be set up when the report is published or through Data
Settings.Note: Users must have view with refresh data rights to view a report that does not have any instances.
- Select RPT.
- View a report
- This permission enables the user to view the published report and all of the report's instances. Select RPT or Lawson Applications.
- Print a report
- Select RPT.
- Export a report
- Select RPT.
- Republish a report
- Select RPT.
- Delete a report
- Select RPT or Lawson Applications.
- Publish as a historical instance
- Applies to a Lawson Back Office report in PRT format as well as all XLS, DOC, and graphics files. This is not available for RPT, Lawson Back Office, and URL reports.
- Unsubscribe to e-mail for a report creation of a historical instance
- Select RPT or Lawson Applications.
- Maintain the properties
- This permission enables the user to access the properties of the report. The user can modify all the report properties with the exception of reassignment of the report owner. Select RPT or Lawson Applications.
- View or maintain the data settings
- This permission allows the user to view and edit the data settings for the report. The data settings specify the password that is used to view or schedule the report. Select RPT or Lawson Applications.
- Maintain the output options
- This permission enables the user to change the default and allowed output options, and adding or changing the report's cascading style sheet. Select RPT or Lawson Applications.
- Maintain the events
- Select RPT or Lawson Applications.
- Maintain the attributes
- Select RPT or Lawson Applications.
- Maintain the advanced options
- This permission enables the user to set the historic instance archive information. Select RPT or Lawson Applications.
- Schedule a report
- Select RPT or Lawson Applications.
- Maintain the permissions
This permission enables the user to establish permission for the report or for other users and roles. Select RPT or Lawson Applications.
- Maintain the users
This permission enables the user to add and delete report users. This permission also enables the user to assign user permissions. Select RPT or Lawson Applications.