To create a report schedule
- To openOpen a report's details by clicking My Reports on the Tools dashboard and clicking the details link of the report.
- Click Scheduling > New Schedule to open the Report Schedule screen.
Specify the schedule name:
- Name
Specify the name of the schedule.
- Instance Name
Specify an instance name for the report schedule.
You can use report parameter and variables within the instance name. For example:
Financial Statement for ?Period for @CURRENT_YEAR
Where ?Period is the schedule's period parameter and @CURRENT_YEAR is the report variable for the current year value.
Note:If you do not specify an instance name, this is the default name:
The instance name is displayed in the Historical List only and does not change the corresponding file name.
- Description
Specify a description of the schedule.
- Current Status
Shows New Schedule. After you save the new schedule, Reporting Services changes the report's status depending on whether the scheduled report is running, waiting to be run, disabled, or if there is an error during the run process.
- Report Schedule Queue
Enables you to turn on/off the reporting schedule queue.
Checked — The feature is enabled
Unchecked — Feature will not be implemented
Specify the schedule time and frequency information:
- Scheduled Run Time
Specify the time that you want the report to run. This field is hidden on Extended Schedule Options, wherein the specified effectivity start time determines the first scheduled run.
- Frequency – Schedule for Days in Week
Click this option if you want the report to run on a specific week day or days (for example, Friday or Friday and Sunday). This option runs based on a trigger that uses CRON expressions.
- Frequency – Schedule for Days in a Month
Click this option if you want the report to run on a specific month day (for example, the fifth day of the month or the last day of the month). This option runs based on a trigger that uses CRON expressions.
If you want the schedule to repeat, click the Repeats Every option and specify how many months you want the report to run.
- Frequency – Extended Schedule Options
Click this option if you want the report to run based on a calendar interval trigger. This includes hourly, bi-weekly, and monthly scheduling. If you want the schedule to repeat, click the Repeats Every option and specify how many months or hours you want the report to run.
Specify the schedule effective date period information:
- Effective Start Date
Specify the date that you want the schedule to begin running the report. Today's date and time default into these fields. You can type a date, or you can click the calender icon to select a date from the calendar.
- Expiration Date
Specify the date that you want the schedule to end running the report. If you do not want the schedule to expire, leave this field blank.
- Click Save.
Optionally, you can click the Run Immediate
button to process the report at once.
The Run Immediate button is only enabled after specifying and saving the schedule time and frequency details. This feature does not trigger or change the existing schedule.