Mapping to a JNDI resource

  1. On the Import Rights page, select JNDI Connection on the Import Type field.
  2. In Context Name, specify a JNDI Context. This is the name of the JNDI data source to be used to connect to the database. The name must match the JNDI name configured in the the application server.
  3. Specify this information:
    Access Type
    Select how to access the data. Select Query to create a new query. This is the default option.
    Query String
    Specify a SQL statement. A blank query string assumes that the JNDI resource is an existing ERS repository and will therefore map itself to this resource and copy rights together with the required Structures and Elements. A defined query string on the, other hand, entails that the required Structures and Elements be defined prior to importing.
  4. Map the columns to the Metadata Specifications. The fields conform to the required syntax formatting for Import Rights.
    The column name for the User or Role
    The column name for the Right
    The column name for the Structure
    The column name for the Element
    The column name for the Comparison
    The column name for the first Element Value
    The column name for the second Element Value
    The column name for the Element Group
    The column name for the Element Order
    The column name for the first Owner
    The column name for the start date
    The column name for the end date
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Validate and Load to import the saved definition.