Configuring Job Scheduler
Use the steps to configure Job Scheduler for Reporting Services.
- Open the Tools dashboard and select Report Administration. The Reporting Services Administration screen is displayed.
- Select Server Administration > Job Scheduler Settings. The Job Scheduler Settings is displayed.
On General Properties, specify this information:
- Retry schedule on error
- Select the check box to retry running the schedule after an error.
- Retry Count
- Specify the number of retries. The default value is 1.
- Retry Interval in Sec
- Specify the number of seconds for the retry interval. The default is 10 seconds.
- Default Job Recovery Rule
- Select the action of the job recovery rule. The default value is Recover Job.
- Default Job Schedule Rule
- Select the action of the job schedule rule. The default value is Keep Schedule.
- Scheduler Thread Count
- Specify the number of scheduler threads. The default value is 10.
- Scheduler Thread Priority
- Specify the number of priority threads. The default value is 4.