
Use the procedures in this section to uncover the correct issues with the rights set up, either in Reporting Services or Microsoft Analysis.

Check the log files

  1. When you run Infor Lawson Role Migration, it creates a log file for each time the process is run. The location of this file is:


    Check this file to ensure you have set up the rights correctly.

  2. The tool also creates an error file. All error files begin with: RightsErr_ with a date timestamp. For example:

    RightsErr_20120419 13-51-36

    These files will contain reasons for why the process didn't run or a role was rejected. For example:

    4/19/2012 1:53:26 PM: Right [multiplerights] error: 'The following system error occurred: 
    No mapping between account names and security IDs was done. '


Infor Lawson Role Migration can't process contains or within range associations.

If your structure group contains one or both of these associations, the process won't run.