Register an M3 Form Service

After adding the M3 Form Service application you can add a new property depending on how you plan the form service to launch.

  1. Navigate to Tools > Services.
  2. Click the edit box next to the Services dashboard title.
  3. Select Register Application.
  4. Select M3 Form Service version 7.1.
  5. Provide the fully-qualified Framework Services URL.

    For example, http://<server_name:port>/efs

  6. Click Register and then click Close.
  7. Click on the link for the M3 Form Service.
  8. On the Register Service window, click New Property.
  9. For the new property name, specify: action and click OK.
  10. In the action field, select one of these values:

    Use this option if your M3 Form Service launches in a new window.


    Use this option if your M3 Form Service launches in the same window.

    Note: You can add an action parameter with a Close or Back value to any link that references the M3Formservice. This addition overrides the Service definition.
  11. Click Update and then Close.