Register an M3 Form Service
After adding the M3 Form Service application you can add a new property depending on how you plan the form service to launch.
- Navigate to Tools > Services.
- Click the edit box next to the Services dashboard title.
- Select Register Application.
- Select M3 Form Service version 7.1.
Provide the fully-qualified Framework Services URL.
For example,
- Click Register and then click Close.
- Click on the link for the M3 Form Service.
- On the Register Service window, click New Property.
- For the new property name, specify: action and click OK.
In the action field, select
one of these values:
- Close
Use this option if your M3 Form Service launches in a new window.
- Back
Use this option if your M3 Form Service launches in the same window.
Note: You can add an action parameter with a Close or Back value to any link that references the M3Formservice. This addition overrides the Service definition. - Click Update and then Close.