Deploy Lawson Smart Reports war file

Use the steps below to deploy the lsrcoreweb.war file in WebSphere.

  1. From the WebSphere Administrative console navigate to Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications.
  2. Click Install.
  3. Click Browse to locate the lsrcoreweb.war file. Click Next.
  4. Accept the Fast path default and click Next.
  5. Specify this information for Step 1:
    Application Name

    Accept the default or provide a new name of your choosing.

    Click Next.

  6. For Step 2 and Step 3, click Next.
  7. For Step 4, specify this information:
    Context Root

    Provide the context root as part of the URL to enable Lawson Smart Reports:


    Note: This value must match the LSR for S3 URL field in Reporting Services System settings:


  8. For Step 5, review the summary. If everything is correct, click Finish.
  9. After the installation, click Save to save the changes to the configuration.