Configure web application server settings

  1. On the Specify WebSphere Configuration screen, complete these fields.
    WebSphere Application Server Name

    Provide the server name for the application server within WebSphere where your applications are or will be installed. The WebSphere default value is server1.

    Profile Name

    Provide the profile name for the application server installation. The WebSphere default value is AppSrv01.

    WebSphere Home Directory

    Provide the specific path to the WebSphere home directory for your WebSphere installation.

    The WebSphere default location is C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer.

    Application Host Location

    Provide the server location for your Infor BI for Lawson application. For example:

    Note: URL does not require a trailing slash.

    Click Next.

  2. If you are using Global Security in WebSphere, then complete these fields .
    Note: If you do not have Global Security enabled in WebSphere, leave the fields blank and click Next.
    Global Security Userid

    Provide the user ID for Global Security in WebSphere.

    Global Security Password

    Provide the password for Global Security in WebSphere.

    Global Security Password Confirmation

    Provide the password for Global Security in WebSphere.

    Click Next.