Install the online documentation

Use the steps to install the online documentation on a web server.

  1. Create a web server that is separate from the one used with Infor BI for Lawson and Lawson applications.
    Note: As a best practice, place all Infor online documentation in the same web server.
  2. Set up security header filters for this web server. For examples, see below.
  3. Download the online documentation zip file from the Infor Download Center. The zip file is included on the download record for the product release.
  4. Create a directory in your web server’s document directory for the online documentation.

    For example:


    Your YOURWEBDOCDIR may vary by web server and by how you configure it. These are examples of possible web server directories:

    • For a Tomcat web server on Windows, it may be C:\tomcat\webapps.
    • For an IIS web server, it may be C:\inetpub\wwwroot.
    • For an IBM HTTP Server on Windows, it may be C:\HTTPServer\htdocs.
  5. Copy the zip file to that directory and unzip it.
  6. Start the web server.

Web Server Security Header Examples

Shown below are brief examples of what to add for web server security headers. For fuller details and other security options to consider, consult your security administrators.

For Tomcat web server, add this header to the web.xml file and then restart the web server:



For IIS web server, add this header to the site's Web.config file and restart the web server:

            <add name="X-Frame-Options" value="sameorigin" />

For Apache web server, add this header to the httpd.conf file and restart the web server:

Header always append X-Frame-Options DENY