Configure Infor BI for Lawson application WebSphere settings

Depending on which Infor BI for Lawson applications you are installing, you may not see all three screens.

  1. On the Framework Services WebSphere Settings screen, specify this information.
    Application Name

    Provide the Framework Services name.

    JNDI Friendly Name

    Specify the path to the JDBC directory for Framework Services.

    For example:


    Note: This name must match the JNDI name specified in the WebSphere data source.
    Web Context Name

    Provide the reference for Framework Services in the URL string. For example:


    Click Next.

  2. On the Reporting Services WebSphere Settings screen, specify this information.
    Application Name

    Provide the Reporting Services name.

    JNDI Friendly Name

    Specify the path to the JDBC directory for Reporting Services.

    For example:


    Note: This name must match the JNDI name specified in the WebSphere data source.
    Web Context Name

    Provide the reference for Reporting Services in the URL string. For example:


    Click Next.

  3. On the Smart Notification WebSphere Settings screen, specify this information.
    Application Name

    Provide the Smart Notification name.

    JNDI Friendly Name

    Specify the path to the JDBC directory for Smart Notification.

    For example:


    Note: This name must match the JNDI name specified in the WebSphere data source.
    Web Context Name

    Provide the reference for Smart Notification in the URL string. For example:


    Click Next.