Publish the Crystal report in Reporting Services

Follow the steps to publish your Crystal report in Reporting Services and test drill around.

  1. In Framework Services, navigate to Tools dashboard.
  2. Click My Reports in the Reporting Services module.
  3. Click New.
  4. Specify this information for the report:
    Type of Report

    RPT Report File

    File to Publish

    Path to the new report created in Crystal Reports.


    A name of your choosing for the report in Reporting Services.

  5. Click Publish.
    A message is displayed that the file has been published.
  6. Under Report Options, click on Output Options.
  7. In the Drill Around section, set Status to Enabled. Close the window.
  8. In the My Reports list, click the report to view it.
    Note: Depending on whether the Crystal report was saved with data, you may be prompted to log into the data source. If you are prompted, enter a valid web user.
  9. When the report is displayed in the Crystal Viewer, click ACCT-UNIT to test drill around.
  10. Enter the Portal login and password. Click OK.
  11. On the drill around screen, click on the drill links.