Creating the IOS service

  1. Select Tools > Services.
  2. Click Services.
  3. Click the menu icon to the right of the title Services and select Register Application.
  4. Click Lawson IOS Socket Based version
  5. Specify this information:
    IOS configuration location and file
    Specify the location and name of the services.cfg configuration file. A sample template is in the FrameworkServices\conf directory.
    LSF IOS Service Name
    The name of the IOS service as installed on the Infor Lawson System Foundation server. Generally, this is IOS, but is configured differently by the installer.
    System Name
    The name given by a user to the service within Framework Services. In LBI, this name, prepended by IOS-, is referenced in setup definitions. For example, if the system name is IOS, LBI creates an ID of IOS-IOS.
  6. Select Tools > Services and click the link for LSF IOS service name. This table shows the settings for the IOS service:
    Setting Value
    id IOS-IOS
    name IOS
    providerid IOS
    providertype IOS
    type homepage
    location The location and name of your services.cfg file.
    lsfservice The name of the IOS service for Infor Lawson System Foundation.
    method socket

    For Lawson Single Sign-on 901 SP5+, the method must be socket so that IOS calls are made using socket connections instead of HTTP.