Define an InfoSet
Use this procedure to customize the data columns in your InfoSet.
- Go to Step 2 Define InfoSet of the InfoSet wizard.
Auto-create: to create columns based on the query statement you provided for the data source. The auto create feature is not available for internal and property data source types. Auto create will run automatically for DME and file system data source types. If you have specified any parameters for the notification's data source, a form listing the parameters along with text boxes appears. Use this form to specify a value for each parameter.
Verify the default column specifications on the screen.
Add Column: to manually add a data column and enter the column's specifications.
Delete a column by clicking the X associated with the column.
Rearrange columns using the up/down arrows.
Use the Filter Duplicates list to specify the determination of the duplication
of column rows.
- Unique Key
Filter duplicate data by the key columns.
To use this option, you must first specify which columns are a key column in the Key box.
- Unique Row
Filter duplicate data by all of the data values in the row.
- No Filters
Ignore duplicate rows.