Updating Mass User rights

Use Mass User Rights to list a collection of Rights based on filter criteria. Mass User Rights enables you to maintain the users and roles associated to collection of filtered rights.

  1. Open the Tools dashboard and select Report Administration. The Reporting Services Administration screen is displayed.
  2. Select Rights Management > Mass User Right Update.
  3. Search for rights to update using one these:
    Structure and Element
    Optionally, you can select the structure and then the element. See Creating and maintaining structures.
    Element value
    Optionally, you can specify an element value. See Creating and maintaining elements.
    Optional. Specify the owner of the rights. For example: lawson

    Optionally, you can specify the users, groups, and roles using the rights. For example: Administrators

  4. Click Filter/Search Rights list.
  5. Perform one of these to update the Rights:
    • Manually specify the users and groups separated by commas.
    • Click the people icon to select users and groups from the User Picker form.
      Note: If you have a large list of users, groups, and roles, use the filtering tools in the bottom panel to reduce the number of users you see in the Rights list.
  6. Click Save on each right you want to update with the new user and group list. A message is displayed confirming the update.