Filtering terminology
- Parameters
- Parameters are filtering options that you add to a report to prompt the user to specify which data to display on the report at the time of viewing. You can create report parameters when you are designing the report in the Crystal Reports application, or you can override, modify, add new parameters, or add a custom parameter page to the report from the Reporting Services application.
- Variables
- Reporting Services allows you to set up system-defined variables for use with parameters and schedules. Variables can be defined to simplify report generation for components that change regularly and across multiple reports. For example, you could define a variable called Current Period and assign a default value of Quarter 1. You can then add this variable to parameters on multiple schedules. You can then change the Current Period default value to Quarter 2, and any report schedules that use this variable will automatically use the Quarter 2 value.
- Selection Formulas
- A selection formula is a method of filtering the records or groups of records that are included at the time when you run or refresh a Crystal report. You can apply selection formulas when you are designing the report in the Crystal Reports application, or you can override, modify, or add new selection formulas to the report from Reporting Services.
Note: See the Crystal Reports product documentation for more information about
writing valid Crystal syntax. Reporting Services does not contain
functionality to validate Crystal syntax.