Configuring System/User Settings audit

System/User Settings Audit is a logging capability of Framework Services which audits changes, deletions, additions on system and user settings, transfer of ownership, or sharing. All logs are saved in a file named log4j_fisma.log in a directory specified by the user. Archives of previous logs are compressed as .zip files.

This is the pattern of the log file:

<date><time> | WebContainer : <no.> | <userid> | <ADD/UPDATE/DELETE> | <details>

Use the steps in the procedure to enable or disable System/User Settings audit or update other audit settings.

  1. In Framework Services, select Tools > System Settings > Audit User/System Settings Changes.
  2. Specify this information:
    Enable System/User Settings Audit
    Select Yes to enable System/User Settings Audit. This also enables the user to update other audit settings. Select No to disable this feature. The default value is No.
    Archive Path
    Specify the destination folder of the system/user settings audit logs. The value should be in the format of C:/Log/.
    Note: The default location of the log file is in the web server profile where Framework Services is deployed.
    Archive Roll Frequency
    Set the frequency of rolling the log file. These are the values:
    • Monthly: Sets rollover of logs at the beginning of every month.
    • Weekly: Sets rollover of logs at the first day of each week. The first day of the week depends on the locale.
    • Daily: Sets rollover of logs at midnight each day (default value).
      Note: Rollover runs when a log is made on the next day, week, or month.
    No. of Days Logs Stay in Archive
    Specify how many days a backup log file should be kept before it is deleted. Integer value can range from 1–365 and the default value is 7. Archived log files is kept in the repository for up to 365 days.
  3. Click Save Changes.
  4. Restart WebSphere for the changes to take effect.