Creating and editing a content module

Use this procedure to create a new content module in a dashboard.

See Planning and creating a dashboard.

  1. Click the dashboard tab to bring it to the front.
  2. To create a new content module, click the plus sign to the right of the dashboard title and select New Module. The Edit screen is displayed.
    Note: To modify an existing content module, click the content module menu icon and select Edit. The Edit screen is displayed.
  3. Select the tab for the attributes you wish to add or modify. The Main attributes tab contains the most common dashboard attributes duplicated from other attribute tabs.
  4. Specify this information
    This field contains the title assigned when the content module was created. Modify the title of the content module, if needed.
    Specify a brief description of the content module. This description is displayed as a flyover when the user mouses over the module title.
    Also is displayed in the Content tab.

    Specify the URL that is displayed in the module.

    Click Search to search for a URL.

    For more information, see Searching for content items

    Also is displayed in the Content tab.
    Select Expanded to have the module expanded by default when the dashboard opens.
    When the dashboard is displayed, the content module expands or collapses, depending on the this value. If the content module is empty, it collapses. To expand an empty content module, specify a height value (in pixels) in the Height field in the Main or Layout tabs of the Edit form
    Column Number
    Also is displayed in Layout tab.

    Specify the column number where the module is displayed. If you specify a number greater than the number of columns in the dashboard, the column defaults to the right most column. A blank field places the module in column 1.

    Note: Column 1 always contains at least one module. For example, if you create two modules and assign both to column 2, the module created first defaults to column 1. Likewise, if you delete the content module in column 1, the content module in column 2 of the same row, if it exists, moves to column 1.
    Column Span
    Also is displayed in Layout tab.

    Specify the number of other columns spanned by this column.

    See the illustration that follows this table for examples of the use of column span.

    Row Number
    Also is displayed in Layout tab.

    Specify the row number where the module is to be displayed. Row 1 always contains at least one module. For example, if you create two modules and assign both to row 2, the module created first defaults to row 1.

    Also is displayed in Layout tab.

    Specify a value in pixels . The module expands to the specified height when opened.

    Text or HTML
    Specify static text or HTML to display in the content module. Framework Services accepts standard HTML tags. For example:
    <H3>Emergency Number</H3>
    Medical emergency? Dial <b>9911</b>

    <HTML> OR <BODY> tags are not required

    Select a Function

    Select a function to insert in the URL on the left.

    Show Timestamp
    Specify whether a timestamp is displayed on the dashboard.
    Left Icon
    Click Select to show available icons to place on the left of the title. Alternatively you can specify the path to the icon. The icon files are GIFs.
    Left Icon Link
    To link the left icon to a URL, specify it here.
    Left Icon Flyover
    To show a flyover on the left icon, specify it here.
    Right Icon
    Click Select to display available icons to place on the right of the title. Alternatively you can specify the path to the icon. The icon files are GIFs.
    Right Icon Link
    To link the right icon to a URL, specify it here.
    Right Icon Flyover
    If you want to show a flyover on the right icon, specify it here.
    Show Timestamp
    Select the timestamp format
    Update Timestamp
    Select to manually update the timestamp. The timestamp is updated on save.
    Current Timestamp
    This read only field shows the timestamp format. Timestamp does not update in the open Edit form.
    Select Viewing All to allow all users to view this module; or select Edit viewers to allow only specific users to view this module. In the Users and Roles window, select the users or roles as required. and add them to the selected list.
    Select Designing All to allow all of the users that you specified in the Viewing field to modify this module; or select Edit designers to allow only specific users to modify this module. In the Users and Roles window, select the users or roles as required. and add them to the selected list.
    Note: You can add a user as a designer only if you have first added that user as a viewer
    Pick a Location
    Select a location to change to module's location in the column-row grid. When you check a different location, the corresponding numbers change in the column and row fields. If you change the numbers and save, the corresponding location is checked when you next open the tab.
    Specify the URL to the required image or select from the images stored on the server.
    This field shows the ID that Framework Services assigned to the module.
    The ID of the parent of the module.
    This field shows the name of the owner of the dashboard.
    Shows the date the dashboard was created.
    Last Modified
    This field shows the last modification date.
  5. Click Save.