Running initial load in EVS006

Perform an initial load of M3 data into the BODs that are placed in the message outbox.

Note: Running the initial load, for example, Operand = Ignored in EVS007, queues ALL records for processing in M3 Enterprise Collaborator, ION, and IInfor M3 Supplier Rebate. Ensure that you are running on the correct company to avoid multiple runs of the same tables. For example, running ItemMaster, PurchaseOrder, or ReceiveDelivery could contain several hundred thousands of records. You must run the initial load records once only in the central and blank division.
  1. To run an initial load record, right click EVS006/B and select Run from the related options.
    Note: Infor M3 Supplier Rebate is designed to integrate with only one company. Do not send initial load on more than one company to avoid undesired behavior.
  2. In EVS007/E, specify this information:
    BOD verb
    You can select from these options:
    • Select Show to view the initial data load to a specific logical ID.
    • Select Sync to publish specific records.
    To logical ID

    Specify the application logical ID. This field is only required when publishing the Show BODs.

    For example, you can specify lid://infor.isr.isr/default.

    You can select from these options:
    • Specify the exact values of specific records to publish.

      Select Range to publish a range of records.

    • Select Ignored to publish all the records and initial loads.
    Value field

    Specify the exact field value or range of field values.

    For example, you can specify these values:

    • WHLO = 001
    • DIVI = AAA to ZZZ
    • STKY = BOX to KG
    • PUNO = JRS001
    • REPN = 202001
  3. Click Next. This action submits the EVS007Sbm job.
  4. To check status of submitted job, right click and select History in related options.
  5. Select ION > OneView and verify that all Show BODs generated by the initial load in M3 are consumed by Infor M3 Supplier Rebate.
    Note: After the initial data load, M3 sends BOD updates when users change certain data or when certain transactions occur in M3.

    For detailed concepts and steps, see the topic "Initial data load" in Infor M3 CE Core Integration Guide for Infor M3 Supplier Rebate.