General enhancements and corrections


The Infor M3 Supplier Rebate version 2023.03 release contains general product enhancements and issue corrections.

These are the internal and customer issues that have been addressed in this release:

  • Incorrect debit note amount displayed in Debit Note Query when using German language

  • New item with Supplier value in MMS001/H does not sync to Supplier Rebate

  • Cannot parse Item master BOD with Description longer than 60 characters

  • Scale can be saved without Scale Value

  • No validation for duplicate values in Scale setup

  • Priority label is displayed when Process Defaults is set to 1

  • Referenced agreements are displayed when copying a Scale setup

  • No email is sent for next scale limit alert setup

  • Receipt Number and Year are displayed with comma Accruals Query

  • Incorrect label in Explorer for Export and Import PO and Receipts

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