
The application home page contains several menu and toolbar options. The placement of these menus depends on the theme that you are using. Most of the tasks that you need to complete can be done by using one or more of the menus.

Forms menu

The Form menu includes options for working with forms, including opening, closing, editing, and saving forms. Some options are available only if you have a form open.

Menu optionActionKeyboard shortcut
OpenOpens the Select Form dialog box, which you can use to locate and select the form to open.Ctrl + O
Close and Save ChangesSaves any changes made, permanently deletes records marked for deletion, and closes the form
Close and Cancel ChangesCloses the form without saving changes. Any records that have been change are reverted to their original values. Any records marked for deletion are not deleted and are no longer marked for deletion.
Sign OutSigns out the user from the application.
Recent FormsShows a list of most recently opened forms, arranged in reverse chronological order.

View menu

The View menu includes a number of options for showing or hiding various elements of the user interface.

Menu itemAction Keyboard shortcut
ExplorerOpens and closes the Explorer window, which is used to access forms.
User PreferencesOpens the User Preferences window.

Parameters such as Data Record Cap and List Record Cap in User Preferences form affects the number of records included in a generated report, data views, drop down lists, or results returned from a query form.

Use this window to set your own user preferences. This window includes options for setting editing and diagnostics preferences.

To close the User Preferences window, you must use the Close button in the upper-right corner of the main workspace.

InboxOpens the Inbox form. If the form is already open, this option brings the form to the top and refreshes the display.

This menu option generates a standard event, StdAppLaunchInbox. Developer users can generate or intercept this event.

TasksOpens the Create User Task form. If the form is already open, this option brings the form to the top.

This menu option Tasks generates a standard event, StdAppLaunchTask. Developer users can generate or intercept this event.

NotesOpens the Notes form, which you can use to create, read, and maintain reusable notes.
Hide/Show 1st Splitter PaneToggles the grid view on and off. This option works only with multiviewforms, query forms, or other forms in which there are both grid views and detail views.Ctrl+Shift+1
Hide/Show 2nd Splitter PaneToggles the detail view on and off. This option works only with multiview forms, query forms, or other forms in which there are both grid views and detail views.Ctrl+Shift+2
Explorer EditorWhen selected, displays the Explorer Editor, which is a read-only display of the Mongoose Explorer.

Edit menu

The Edit menu provides options for editing content in forms and for editing the forms themselves.

Note: Many form-editting options are accessible to you only if you have the appropriate editing permissions.

You cannot edit forms from the Web client version.

Menu optionActionKeyboard shortcut
Paste Rows AppendPastes records (rows) from the system clipboard, inserting them just below the currently selected record.
Paste Rows OverwritePastes records (rows) from the system clipboard into the collection, overwriting existing records starting with the currently selected record. For example, if you are pasting in three rows worth data, and your currently selected row is the fourth row, this option overwrites the records currently existing in rows 4, 5, and 6.
Find Value in CollectionOpens the Find dialog box, which you can use to search through a collection for a specified value in a particular field.
Repeat FindRepeats the search as performed in Find Value in Collection (see previous menu item).Ctrl + F2
Replace Value in CollectionOpens the Replace dialog box, where you can search through a collection for a specified value in a particular field Replace Value in Collection and then replace the current value with a new value that you provide.
Sort CollectionOpens the Sort dialog box, where you can sort a collection according to criteria you specify in this dialog box.
Import Binary Data from Current FieldWhen active, enables you to import a graphics file or other binary data object into the field.
Export Binary Data from Current FieldWhen active, enables you to export a graphics file or other binary data object into the field.
Delete Binary Data from Current FieldWhen active, enables you to delete a graphics file or other binary data object into the field.

Actions menu

The Actions menu provides options that deal mostly with records and collections of records. It includes entries for locating records, navigating through collections, and other features related to records. This menu is available only if you have at least one form open.

Menu itemSubmenu itemActionKeyboard shortcut
RefreshRedisplays the selected collection using the current filtering criteria. This option reverses any changes made to records in the collection and restores fields to their original values. Any records marked for deletion are unmarked and revert to their original values.

For multiple collections , ensure that the cursor focus is on the collection or subcollection to be refreshed before selecting this option.

Refresh CurrentRedisplays the selected record and restores the field to its original value.

To avoid refreshing the wrong record, ensure that the cursor focus is on the record to be refreshed before selecting this option.

FilterBy QueryOpens the query form associated with the current multiview form, where you can perform an advanced search for forms.Ctrl+Q
Begin in PlaceClears the form so you can define the criteria for a new search.F4
Execute in PlaceStarts a search based on the specified filter criteria. The system shows the record that matches the specified criteria as the current collection.F4
Cancel in PlacePlaces the form in Filter-in-Place mode when no collection is displayed and shows the active form with no collection displayed.

When a collection is displayed and then the form is cleared through the Begin in Place (F4) option, this option returns the previously displayed collection without requerying the database.

Clear in PlaceClears any filter criteria that are specified during an initial searchF5
Apply Saved FilterOpens the Select Filter dialog box, where you can select a saved filter to apply to the current form.
OpenOpens the Select Filter dialog box of the query forms, which you can select the filter to be opened. When the filter "opens," it simply populates the query form with the saved search criteria. Once open, you can change search criteria and resave, either by saving over the old one (using the same name) or saving it as a new filter.
SaveOpens the Specify Filter Name dialog box, in which you assign a name to the filter you are saving.
DeleteOpens the Select Filter dialog box, from which you can select the filter you want to delete.
Get More RowsRetrieves the next set, or "bunch," of records in the collection.The size of the bunch is determined by the data record cap settings.Ctrl+M
NewCreates a new, blank record below the currently selected record.Ctrl+N
CopyMakes a copy of the current record, inserts it immediately below that record, and marks it as a new record.
SaveSaves any changes to the current collection without closing the form. Any records marked for deletion are permanently deleted and removed from the collection.Ctrl+S
Save CurrentSaves only changes made to the currently selected record. If the record is marked for deletion, deletes the record permanently and removes it from the collection.NA
DeleteMarks the selected record for deletion. The record is not actually deleted and removed from the database until you save the form or save the current record.Ctrl+D
ValidateValidates all fields in the currently selected record to make sure they contain valid values. If invalid values are found, a message that states which field contains an error and an (e) in the row label is displayed
Notes for AllOpens the Class Notes form, where you can view, attach, or detach notes that pertain to the entire collection of records.
Documents for CurrentOpens the Attached Documents form, where you can view, attach, and remove file attachments for the current record.
Notes for CurrentOpens the Object Notes form, where you can view, attach, and remove file attachments for the current record.
GraphOpens the first page of the Graph Collection wizard, which you can use to generate a graph based on data from the current collection.
To ExcelOpens a Microsoft Excel worksheet or other any other application that can open .csv files, which contain data exported from the current collection.
To Form DataViewSends the current data collection to a DataView, which is displayed on the DataView Form Results form.
View Event StatusOpens the Event Status form for collections that have the InWorkflow property that is set to 1. The InWorkflow property is set when an event handler is executed against an update or deletion of an object with the Suspend option enabled.
View WorkflowsOpens the My Workflows form, which you can use to create and edit saved workflows.
New WorkflowOpens the New Workflow Wizard, which you can use to create simple notification workflows.

Help menu

The Help menu provides a number of options for accessing the online help, and for getting information about the system software and any open form.

Menu OptionDescription
Contents and IndexOpens the online help in its own browser window, displaying the contents in the left pane and the initial help topic in the right pane. Use this menu to browse help topics for general learning purposes or find information about a specific topic or feature.
Current FormOpens the online help to the topic for the currently active form.
Current FieldOpens the online help to the topic for the currently selected field or other component.
About ApplicationOpens an informational window, which shows this information:
  • Copyright notice
  • Database configurations
  • Your user login ID and editing permissions
  • Optionally, a custom message created by a system administrator
About This FormOpens the About This Form information window, which shows thisinformation for the currently active form:
  • The name and original caption of the form
  • The version of the form
  • The name of the parent form, if any
  • The currently selected collection
  • The name of any permanent or user-defined filters in use