Configuring a watch in Infor BI/Analysis (Lawson only)
This procedure describes how to configure a watch in Infor BI for Lawson/Analysis in Infor Smart Office.
Creating multiple watches or multiple records requires to be in list-driven format. List-driven must be enabled through Infor Smart Office Settings.
Perform these steps to configure a watch:
Open a form for which you want to create a watch.
This procedure uses the Lawson form, HR11.1 as an example.
If you are configuring a watch for a single record,
right-click in the field for which you want to create a watch.
If you are configuring a watch for multiple records, select the records and then right-click.
Records are selected when a check mark appears in the box to the left of the record in the record list.
Note: If the Monitor menu option is grayed-out, it means the field is not available to be watched. Derived fields and some other types of fields cannot be watched. -
From the menu that appears, click Monitor
and then click Create a Watch if you are
viewing records in standard form or click Create a Watch
on Current Row or Create a Watch on Current
Filter if you are viewing records in list-driven format.
Use current filter if you are creating a watch for multiple records.
In the Name dialog box, the name of the field and a brief description of the watch are
defaulted. Change the name and description if you want to and then click Next to move to the next screen.
The link associated with "Source" returns you to the form from which you launched the wizard.
On the Data dialog box, select fields to be included
in the watch. You can monitor a total of 25 fields.
To locate a field, scroll the Available Fields pane or perform a search. Highlight a field and then click the right-pointing button to send it to the Selected Fields pane. Click Next when you are ready to move to the next wizard screen.
On the Schedule dialog box, select options for scheduling
the watch.
- If you want the watch to begin monitoring as soon as you are finished creating it, leave the On flag enabled. Disable the On flag (remove the check mark) if you do not want to begin monitoring immediately. (You can enable the flag later.)
Configure when the watch should run:
Once: One time only
Hourly: Every hour at the specified time
Weekly: One time per week on the specified day at the specified time
Monthly: One time per month on the specified date at the specified time.
For hourly, weekly, and monthly settings, configure day, date, and time as prompted.
The watch alerts approximately one hour, week, or month from the time you set the watch. When the watch triggers, the exact time it was triggered will be with the alert.
- If you want the watch to stop running after it has triggered an alert (that is, if you want the watch to run one time only), select Stop when alert has triggered.
- Click Next when you are finished when you are ready to move to the next wizard screen.
To see alerts in your Infor Smart Office Inbox and WatchList widget, ensure
that the On flag is enabled in the Alert dialog box.
Click Next when you are ready to move to the next wizard screen.
On the Display dialog box, select options for displaying
the watch.
- Select the name (label) to identify the alert. The available labels are "By Record" or the name of the field.
- Enable the Show chart widget flag if you want a widget to represent the alert on your canvas per the available options.
If you want to show the watch in the WatchList widget, ensure that the Show in
WatchList widget flag is enabled, and then select the order in which the records
should display. These options are available:
All records
Filtered records: If you use this option, you will run the watch against a set of records, the result of the filter. Some additional configuration is required.
Order the records by selecting Top or Bottom (that is, start displaying at the beginning or end of the data set) and by selecting the percent of records to include. For example, if a vendor named Aadvark Photography is stored first in your record set and Zebra Printing is stored last, Aardvark will display first if you select Top and Zebra will display first if you select Bottom.
Select the number of records that will display at one time. Options start with 5 (five individual records) or 5% (five percent of the record set).
You can create a chart widget for any field included in the watch. Select the field for the chart you are currently configuring.
Any records that have changed
Any records where the alert has triggered, that is, any records that have met the watch criteria.
- Click Next when you are finished setting Display options.
On the Advanced dialog box, configure options for
displaying a chart.
Show in Chart widget: Use this flag to create a canvas
widget for the watch.
When you configure a chart widget, specify options for the these items:
Show in WatchList widget: Optional. If you select it, your watch will also display in the WatchList
Minimum and Maximum: Specify high and low values for the range of values you want to watch in the chart.
Unit: If you want to include information that describes the value, specify it here. For example, if you are monitoring an expense in US dollars, you could specify USD or $ (dollar symbol).
Even if you do not want to configure a Unit, you must click or tab in the field in order to activate the traffic lighting option.
Use traffic lighting: Turn on this flag to display red, yellow, green when data in the watch falls within the specified ranges. For example, you can set up a range of values for a group of invoices. If all invoices are within the low range of values, the chart widget is green. If one or more moves into the middle of the range, it displays in yellow. If one or more invoices moves into the high end of the range, it displays in red.
Show in Chart widget: Use this flag to create a canvas
widget for the watch.
- Click Finish when you are done configuring the watch.