Installation changes

GDBC Grid Extension is required


As a prerequisite to installing Lawson Smart Office, you must install the GDBC in the Grid where you will install the Lawson Smart Office server. Install the GDBC that is delivered with your version of Lawson Grid (minimum Grid version

Related documentation

For Lawson Smart Office-specific GDBC requirements, see LifeCycle Manager and Grid Prerequisites in the Lawson Smart Office Installation Guide.

For GDBC installation instructions, see the Lawson Grid Extensions Installation and Administration Guide.

Infor Process Automation configuration changes


If you use Infor Process Automation, you must install an additional .lawsonapp package to configure your application with Infor Smart Office.

If you are upgrading from an older version of these products, or are upgrading from an earlier version of Infor Smart Office, you must remove the older .lawsonapp files and install the latest versions.

Related documentation

See Configuring Landmark, Infor Process Automation for use with Infor Smart Office in Infor Smart Office Installation Guide.

Administrator users must be added to Grid role


In previous versions of Lawson Smart Office, administrator users were added to the userroles.xml file for the Lawson Smart Office server.

Now, you must add administrator users to the administrator role in the Lawson Grid. The Application User and Role Mapping feature is located in the Grid management pages for the Lawson Smart Office application.

If you are updating from an earlier version of Lawson Smart Office, you must transfer your administrator users from userroles.xml to the Grid role. The update will not automatically move the users.

Related documentation

See Adding an Administrator User and Redefining Administrator Users in the Grid in Lawson Smart Office Installation Guide.