Lawson Smart Office feature updates

Mini-mode available


Mini-mode is a way to free up screen space on the desktop machine and still keeping Lawson Smart Office open. When you switch to mini-mode, the Canvas turns into a mini-mode control from which you can continue to work with Smart Office tasks. When in mini-mode, the LSO application window, for example, MForms or SForms, may be placed side by side with another application, for example, Microsoft Word.

You can launch the mode by double-clicking the Lawson Smart Office title bar or by clicking Canvas Restore or Maximize button. Double-clicking in the minimized title bar or clicking Restore or Maximize button restores it to normal size.


Desktops using mini-mode must be on Windows 7 minimum.

Related documentation Lawson Smart Office online help

Settings Editors updates


Additional radio buttons have been added for assigning Allowed applications and Allowed widgets in the Applications Settings section of Settings Editor.

Administrators now have more flexibility when making these assignments using these new buttons:
  • Enable all
  • Enable selected
  • Select/Deselect all
Related documentation

See Lawson Smart Office Administration Guide available in the Lawson Smart Office Infocenter.