Working with Excel Template
An Excel Template is a template that you can use if you have a finished Excel document and want to add the data to a specific position. This means that if you want to add your company logo and some other information to the top of the document, you must do it beforehand. If the document is saved as an Excel template (.xlt and .xltx), then, it can be used multiple times to create new reports.
You need to specify where to place the exported data, or it will be placed at the upper-left corner and possibly write over your information. At the position where you want to add the data you have to change the cell name. It should be named similar to the program, but change the third letter S to an A and add BS at the end, so it will have this structure: xxAyyyBS
For example:
MWS070: MWA070BS
GLS215: GLA215BS
ARS200: ARA200BS
Normally, a cell is named depending on its column and row, such as A1, B7, H10, or AA10. When you click a cell, its name is displayed next to the function area, directly above the document. To change the name, just click on the name and write the new name, then press enter to save it.