Creating a link to be available from Related Information

  1. Open Link Manager from Navigator, not from a panel.

    One way to do this is to search for link manager from the canvas toolbar search field.

  2. From the first Link Manager screen, click New.
  3. On New Link step 1 of 2, specify a name and description for the link and select M3 Transactions for Link Type.
  4. For Function and Panel name specify "." (a period). This indicates that a link should be visible in the Related information viewer.
  5. Ensure Infor Document Management is selected as the Target.

    When you are finished, the New Link step 1 of 2 dialog box should look similar to this.

  6. Click Next.

    If you need information about how to make selections for the New Link, step 2 of 2 screen, see Creating links to documents in Infor Document Management.