Export using the quick options

These instructions apply to these options: Use Source Format, Use Target Format, Use Text Only, and using an existing template.

The data begins exporting. Use the Cancel button if you want to cancel the export.

If the export is successful, an Excel workbook opens with your data. Verify that the data is correct, otherwise, use the Template Manager to create a template to format the data according to your desired format.

  1. If you have not already done so, open the program with the data that you want to send to Excel.
  2. If you want to export all rows within the program, you don’t need to select any rows, otherwise, you need to select all rows that you want to export.
  3. Click Tools > Export to Excel, and then click at the option that you want to use.
  4. Use Source Format only: If you have selected Use Source Format and you have some columns that contain dates, you will be prompted to assist the analysis by selecting how the dates within M3 are set up. Select the correct date format for each column and click OK.
  5. In the Export to Excel dialog box, select Export currently selected rows or Export All Rows.

    Export currently selected rows sends only those rows that you have selected in your view. Export All Rows sends the entire view for a maximum of 9999 records.

  6. If you have created conditional styles for this program and want them to be included in the Excel spreadsheet, click Include conditional styles.
  7. If you want to use an Excel template you created, select the Use Excel template check box, then browse for your template.
  8. Click Export.