Creating a personal variable

If your administrator has been given the ability to create variables that are only for your use, a Variables button appears on the Advanced tab of Lawson Transactions settings.

Perform these steps to create a new personal variable.

  1. From the toolbar, access Show > Settings > Lawson Transactions > Advanced > Variables.

    A dialog box showing all existing variables is displayed. In addition to creating a new variable, you can also use this dialog box to edit or delete an existing variable.

  2. Click New to begin creating a new variable.
  3. Populate these attributes for the new variable.
    • Assign a name for the variable. Notice that variable names are preceded by # (the number or pound sign character). This character will be added automatically to the beginning of the name.
    • Description: Short description of the purpose and use of this variable
    • Value: The value that you are looking for when you run a filter or search using this variable
    • Type: Select the type of value. Choices are Alpha, Numeric, and Date.
  4. Click Save.