Jobs and reports menus in Infor Smart Office
Infor Smart Office provides these menus for working with Infor Lawson jobs and reports.
Actions menu
The options available from this toolbar menu vary by tool. For example, the menu items associated with Job List are slightly different from those associated with Print Manager and so on.
Right-click actions
Right-clicking on a job in a list with any tool launches a pop-up menu of some of the same items that are on the Actions menu.
Related menu
Opens any other jobs and reports tool from within the tool you are currently working with.
Toolbar icons
The icons appear in the top of the canvas toolbar vary with each Jobs and Reports tool (program) that you use.
The same actions can be performed with hotkeys (programmed key strokes that perform a function. Mouse-over an icon to see a description of what the icon does and also the hotkeys that perform the same function.