Editing user roaming files outside of the Infor Smart Office Client

Use this procedure to administer user roaming files without opening the Infor Smart Office client.

Note: You can also use the MangoAdmin tool with filters as an alternative to this procedure.
  • You must be an Infor Smart Office administrator and know your user ID and password.

  • You must know the HTTPS URL to the Grid where the Infor Smart Office is installed.

  • You must have installed the SSL certificate.

  1. Locate the UserfilesTool.zip (in the \UserFilesTool folder of the .zip file you downloaded when you installed Infor Smart Office.
  2. Extract the contents of UserFilesTool.zip to a temporary directory.
  3. In the temporary directory, launch the UserFilesTool.exe program.
  4. Specify this information:
    Server URL

    The HTTPS URL to the Grid where Infor Smart Office server is installed

    Logon User ID

    Specify the user ID for an Infor Smart Office administrator.


    Specify the password for the Infor Smart Office administrator.

  5. Select the User File tab.
  6. In the User ID field, specify the ID for the user whose roaming files you want to administer.
  7. Click List Files.
  8. In the File Name list, select the file to work with.
  9. Select one of these options:
    • To remove the file, select Delete.

    • To download the file so you can make manual edits, select Download. Browse to a folder to save the file and click OK.

  10. Use a text editor to edit the file. When edits are complete, save your changes.
  11. To upload a file you have manually edited, select Upload. Browse to select the edited file and click Open.

    Files you upload will replace files currently on the server.