Differences between Infor Smart Office and Workplace

Some of the differences between Workplace and Infor Smart Office include:

  • Rich client. Infor Smart Office is a rich client that is installed in the client machine. Workplace is a thin client that only resides in a web browser.

  • Menus. The menus are retrieved directly from the Business Engine. Exporting and importing are no longer needed. Infor Smart Office does not use the menu trees in Workplace. If applications other than M3 applications are used, menus can be delivered from these applications as well.

  • Users. Infor Smart Office does not make use of the Workplace database, so replication of the Business Engine users is not necessary for Infor Smart Office.*

    Note: If IBrixes are used within Infor Smart Office, Workplace is started and the Business Engine users must have been replicated to the Workplace database.
  • SSL. Infor Smart Office requires SSL (HTTPS) for all web services calls. Therefore, SSL must have been configured in IIS/IBM HTTP server together with WebSphere.