Allowed widgets in Infor Smart Office

Allowed widget Name Comment
Mango.Widgets.SmartWatchList Watchlist Lists the personal watches that the user has created.
Mango.Widgets.WidgetOrganizer Shortcut to Folder Allows the user to create a shortcut to any existing function in an application.
Mango.Widgets.Menu.NavigatorWidget Navigator Displays the menus for each application, the user’s favorites and list of recently started applications. It also provides functionality to search for and launch applications.
Mango.Widgets.RSSReader News Reader The News Reader displays text from an RSS v 2.0 news feed.
Mango.Widgets.Clock Clock Customize one or more clocks for multiple time zones and place them on the canvas.
Mango.Widgets.QuickNote QuickNote Allows the user to create notes to display on the canvas.
Mango.Widgets.CalendarWidget Calendar Provides a desktop calendar. Users can place a personalized photo in the calendar.
Mango.Widgets.CalculatorWidget Calculator Perform basic calculations.
Mango.Widgets.MessageCenter Inbox The Inbox stores and lists received messages. The Inbox is generic and can receive messages from different sources such as chat messages from other users, broadcast messages from channels and messages from different applications, including LBI and Infor Process Automation.
Mango.Widgets.Communicator Communicator Allows the user to publish announcements to other Infor Smart Office users or groups of users.
Mango.Widgets.TimerWidget Timer Counts down the time to an event.
Mango.Widgets.PostItWidget StickyNote Allows you to place a note on the canvas.
Mango.Widgets.ProfileInfoWidget Profile Information Displays the available profiles for Infor Smart Office.
Mango.Widgets.BrowseLauncher M3 Info Browser M3 Info is used to view data for a browse definition in M3.
Mango.Widgets.SearchWidget Search Allows you to place a search box on the canvas.
Companion.CompanionWidget M3 Companion Displays process documentation for M3 Business Engine.
S3.Client.Widgets.DataWidget.DataBrowser Lawson Info Browser Displays data within the Lawson system.
M3Info.Items M3 Info - Items Allows the user to see which profile they are logged in to.
Mango.Widgets.MenuWidget Custom List Widget Allows the user to create your own list with links and check boxes.
Mango.Widgets.SlideShowWidget Image widget Allows user to create a slide show of images.
Mango.Widgets.LogViewerWidget Log Viewer The Log Viewer widget is a real-time viewer for log entries.