Example: New RSS Reader Widget with Swedish language title and description

Widget attributes

Attribute Value
Widget ID RSSReader.Lawson
Assembly Name Mango.UI
Factory Class Mango.Widgets.RSSReaderFactory
Setting Value
New Feed URL http://www.lawson.com/wps/wcm/connect/DotCom/DotComSite/Home/dotcomxml/law-press-releases.xml
Refresh Time 10
Use Internal Browser Disabled
Enable Settings Disabled

Widget settings

Setting Value
New Feed URL http://www.lawson.com/wps/wcm/connect/DotCom/DotComSite/Home/dotcomxml/law-press-releases.xml
Refresh Time 10
Use Internal Browser Disabled
Enable Settings Disabled


Element Locale Value
Title Lawson
Description Lawson RSS feed
Title sv Lawson
Description sv Lawson RSS-flöde