
getProgramFrame retrieves the container of the specified program. - not implemented

isProgramOpen checks whether a program is opened or not. - not implemented

sendClose closes an open program. Updated to use program ID in MWP 5.2.1 - not implemented

sendOpen starts a program. - implemented

switchToProgram forces MWP to switch program to the specified program. - not implemented

setLoading shows or hides the Progress Indicator in the active application. Included since MWP 5.2 - implemented

showMessage shows a message. Included since MWP 5.2 - implemented

getUserId retrieves the user ID. Included since MWP 5.2 - not implemented

getProgramId retrieves the program ID. Included since MWP 5.2.1-not implemented

getProgramName retrieves the program name, the name in the QuickSwitch list. Included since MWP 5.2.1 - not implemented

getActiveId retrieves the ID of the active program. Included since MWP 5.2.1 - not implemented.