M3 Info Monitor widget (M3 users only)
The Info Monitor widget allows users to monitor customers, suppliers, items, and other M3 information that are frequently used.
M3 Info Monitor Widget configuration
id | MForms.Widgets.M3InfoMonitorWidget |
assemblyName | MForms |
factoryClass | MForms.Widgets.APIWidget.M3InfoMonitorWidgetFactory |
Settings | Description |
Header | The header is the visible title of the widget. |
View | The current view type that is visible. Valid values are LstStd, ListCard, or Graph. |
Program | The name of the M3 MI program, for example, MMS001MI. |
Transaction | The name of the program transaction. |
In |
Input parameters for the transaction call (semicolon separated value pairs), for example, inputName1=value;inputName2=value. Double equal sign (==) indicates a user input value that will appear in the widget Advance Settings. |
Out | Values from the transaction response that will be visible in the widget (semicolon separated list), for example, outValName1;outValName2. |
ColumnOrder | Semicolon separated list of the reordered column names, for example, outValName2;outValName1. |
RefreshInterval | Specifies automatic refresh of widget content. Valid values are NoRefresh, OneMinute, FiveMinute, TenMinute, or SixtyMinute. |
EnableSearch | Controls the visibility of the widget search field. Value is either true or false. |
MaxRecCount | Maximum number of records to fetch from the transaction. |
IsBookmarksEnabledSetting | Enable or disable bookmark launch feature. Enabled mode is only possible if the required bookmark fields are available in the transaction output. Value is either true or false. |
BookmarkOption | M3 panel option to use when launching M3 program from bookmark. |
BookmarkStartPanel | M3 start panel to use when launching M3 program from bookmark. |
BookmarkFocusField | M3 panel field to set focus on when launching M3 program from bookmark. |
DdProgram | The name of the M3 MI program for a graph click navigation. |
DdTransaction | The name of the program transaction for a graph click navigation. |
DdMapIn | Mapping of input values for the graph click navigation from M3 context, macros, program transaction out values, and static values. |
DdOut | Values from the transaction response to be visible in the result list. |
SettingsExpanded | True if the Advanced Settings section in the widget is expanded, otherwise false. |
EnableDebCred | Enable debit/credit characters in the transaction response. Value is either true or false. |
CredSign | The character that represents Credit in the transaction response. |
DebSign | The character that represents Debit in the transaction response. |
Chart | The current type of chart. Valid values are Pie, Line, Column, or Bar. |
LabelIndex | The index to the response column that will be used for labels. |
ValueIndexes | The index to the response column that will be used for values. |
GroupIndex | The index to the transaction response column that will be used to group values. |
GroupBySum | True if the group values will be a sum, otherwise false. |
Enable Settings | Controls the visibility of the widget settings button. Value is either true or false. |
Default height | The widget default height. |
Default width | The widget default width. |