Adding Enterprise Search to the system profile

The Enterprise Search profile configures the connection to Lawson or ION Enterprise Search.

  • Select the check box to enable Enterprise Search.
  • Complete the configuration.

Basic Enterprise Search system profile configuration

Field Value
Enable Enterprise Search Configuration Enabled
Description Specify a description for this configuration.


Field Value
Description Specify a description for the Enterprise Search profile.
Port Specify the port number to be used. For example, 8443 for https or 8080 for http.
OverrideInstanceName Use the name of the actual Enterprise Search instance that hosts the deployment for the product being configured.

The fully-qualifed domain name or IP address of the Enterprise Search VM.

If the HTTPS protocol is used, the SSL certificate must match the host entry to avoid certificate/host mismatches.

BaseFolder Specify the base folder for the Enterprise Search servlets on the Enterprise Search server, starting from the root folder. The default value is /les/


This parameter is used to locate the correct search function for the KnowledgeBase.


This parameter is used to locate the correct interest centers for the KB.


Protocol Select the protocol to be used: https or http, where http is the default value but https is recommended.
Enabled Select the check box to enable Enterprise Search for the KB.


Field Value
Description Specify a description for the Enterprise Search profile.
Port Specify the port number to be used. For example, 8443 for https or 8080 for http.
OverrideInstanceName Use the name of the actual Enterprise Search instance that hosts the deployment for the product being configured.

The fully-qualifed domain name or IP address of the LES VM or IES server.

If the HTTPS protocol is used, the SSL certificate must match the host entry to avoid certificate/host mismatches.

BaseFolder Specify the base folder for the Enterprise Search servlets on the LES or IES server, starting from the root folder. The default value is /les/


This parameter is used to locate the correct search function for Lawson Enterprise Applications.

Max The default value is 50.
Protocol Select the protocol to be used: https or http, where http is the default value but https is recommended.
ProductId Lawson
Enabled Select the check box to enable Enterprise Search for Lawson.


Field Value
Description Specify a description for the Enterprise Search profile.
Host Specify the host and port number for the Sharepoint site.
Type Sharepoint
Enabled Select the check box to enable.


Field Value
Description Specify a description for the Enterprise Search profile.
Type WindowsSearch
Enabled Select the check box to enable Search.


Field Value
Description Specify a description for the Enterprise Search profile.
Port Specify the port number to be used. For example 8443 for https or 8080 for http.
OverrideInstanceName Use the name of the actual Enterprise Search instance that hosts the deployment for the product being configured.

The fully-qualified domain name or IP address of the Enterprise Search VM.

If the HTTPS protocol is used, the SSL certificate must match the host entry to avoid certificate/host mismatches.



This parameter is used to locate the correct search function for Lawson Business Intelligence.

BaseFolder Specify the base folder for the Enterprise Search servlets on the Enterprise Search server, starting from the root folder. The default value is /les/
ProductId LBI
Protocol Select the protocol to be used: https or http, where http is the default value but https is recommended.
Enabled Select the check box to enable Search.


Field Value
Description Specify a description for the Enterprise Search profile.
Type DocumentArchive
Enabled Select the check box to enable Search.


Field Value
Description Specify a description for the Enterprise Search profile.
Type PersonalHistory
Enabled Select the check box to enable.


Field Value
Description Specify a description for the Enterprise Search profile.
Type Google
Enabled Select the check box to enable.


Field Value
Description Specify a description for the Enterprise Search profile.
Port Specify the port number to be used. For example, 8443 for https or 8080 for http.

The fully-qualified domain name or IP address of the Enterprise Search VM.

If the HTTPS protocol is used, the SSL certificate must match the host entry to avoid certificate/host mismatches.

Type M3Restful
BaseFolder Specify the base folder for the Enterprise Search servlets on the Enterprise Search server, starting from the root folder. The default value is /les/

This parameter is used to locate the correct interest centers for the M3 Business Engine.


Protocol Select the protocol to be used, where http is the default value but https is recommended.
InstanceName Specify the Enterprise Search instance name.
AuthMode Specify Basic
Enabled Select the check box to enable Enterprise Search for M3 BE.


Field Value
Description Specify a description for the Enterprise Search profile.
Type Twingly
Enabled Select the check box to enable.


Field Value
Description Specify a description for the Enterprise Search profile.
Enabled Specify true or false
Type Inbox
Enabled Select the check box to enable.


The IES Auto Suggestion feature displays a list of related search terms for a user as they provide their search parameters. This feature can help users select a search term based on related searches.

To enable this feature, the AutoSuggest section must be added as a new application entry in the EnterpriseSearch profile group. See Adding or removing an application entry. In the AutoSuggest section, add these configuration settings. See Adding or removing a setting.

Field Value
Description Specify a description for the Enterprise Search profile.
Protocol Select the protocol to be used, where http is the default value but https is recommended.

The fully-qualified domain name or IP address of the Enterprise Search installation.

If the HTTPS protocol is used, the SSL certificate must match the host entry to avoid certificate/host mismatches.

Port Specify the port number to be used.
BaseFolder Specify /les/.
AuthMode Specify Basic.
EndPoint Specify v1/autosuggest.
Enabled Select the Basic view and verify if the check box is selected.

The Auto Suggestion feature should also be configured in LifeCycle Manager.