Administration Tools URL information

In case the Navigator is not visible on the canvas, users can access the Administration Tools by entering the URI of each tool in the Search and Start field. Note that users can also check all the URIs to tools in the Navigator widget by dragging them to the canvas to create a shortcut – then right click for the context menu – and select settings.

Administration tools URIs
Category File Administration admin://file/category
StartPad manager startpad://manager
Startpad File Administration admin://file/category?category=Startpad
Mashup File Administration admin://file/category?category=Mashup
Import/Export Manager admin://importexportmanager
Installation Point Manager admin://installpointmanager
Link Manager links:
Log Viewer internal://log
Predefined Widgets admin://predefinedwidgets
Profile Editor admin://profileeditor
Settings Editor admin://settingseditor
User Logon History admin://userhistory
Videos Manager admin://videosmanager