Example: Change the default settings for the News Reader widget

You can change the default feed for the news reader.

The current default feed is the Lawson news feed http://www.lawson.com/wps/wcm/connect/DotCom/DotComSite/Home/dotcomxml/law-press-releases.xml. To change the default settings, add a predefined widget with the Widget ID of the default widget. The default widget ID is the Mango.Widgets.RSSReader for the News Reader.

  • Widget ID, Assembly Name, and Factory Class are mandatory.
  • In widget settings, only RSSFeed is mandatory if you want to change the RSS Feed.
Attribute Value
Widget ID Mango.Widgets.RSSReader
Assembly Name Mango.UI
Factory Class Mango.Widgets.RSSReaderFactory

Widget settings

Setting Value
New Feed URL http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/topstories
Refresh Time 10
Use Internal Browser Disabled
Enable Settings Disabled


Element Locale Value
Title Yahoo News
Description Yahoo News feed
Note: The Localization part is optional for the News Reader. It will take the Title from the RSS feed. The title specified in Localization will only be used if there is a connection error to the RSS Feed Url. If no title is specified, the title will default to News Reader.