Managing Net Extension functions

  1. From the Navigator, select Administration tools > Net Extensions Manager.
  2. On the Overview page, select Functions.
    Clear language cache

    This clears the entire language cache and is used to load new language files without restarting the server.

    Note: When you want to clear both the language cache and the program cache, clear the language cache first before clearing the program cache.
    Clear language

    This clears a single language from the language cache.

    Clear program cache

    This clears the entire program metadata cache and is used to load new metadata files without restarting the server.

    Clear program

    This clears a single program from the program metadata cache.

    Clear customization cache

    This manages personalizations for M3 forms. See Managing the personalizations cache

    Cleanup sessions

    this starts the session cleaner.

    Session cleaner

    Select Enabled or Disabled. This enables or disables the thread that cleans up sessions that have timed out.

    Session cleanup interval

    This sets the interval that the cleanup thread waits between executions in minutes. The default is 11 minutes. To modify interval times, specify a new value and click Set.

    Session cleaner status

    Displays the status of the session cleaner. The statuses are:

    TERMINATED = not in use

    SLEEPING = in use but not running

    RUNNING = in use and running