
Property Type Description Comment
Minimum client version String All clients that have lower version than this value will fail to start.

Do not change.

Set by installation.

Maximum client version String All clients that have higher version than this value will fail to start.

Do not change.

Set by installation.

Server version String The version of the Infor Smart Office server.

Do not change.

Set by installation.

LCM Server String The host name or IP address to the LCM server.
LCM Server port Port The port number to the LCM Server.
Retrieve display name Boolean When set to true the display name is retrieved from the active Session Provider.
Identity Provider URLs String List
  • Only used if SAML Session Provider is active.

  • Used to override URL to Identity Provider (IDP) URL, including cookie path, or when there are more then one IDP.

  • Changes to this property requires a restart of the Smart Office server.

  • For example, ADFS: and Ping:

  • The order of the IDPs are not important.

Identity Provider token patterns String List

Use this property to override the default RegEx search patterns for these:

  • How to detect a POST page

    Default value document\.forms\[0\]\.submit\(\)

  • Filter out the Relay State

    Default value: name="RelayState" value="(.*?)"

  • Filter out the SAML Response

    Default value: name="SAMLResponse" value="(.*?)"

  • The values must be formatted as the following XML:

    <definition><isPost>document\.forms\[0\]\.submit\(\)</isPost><action>action="(.*?)"</action><relaySt ate>name="RelayState" value="(.*?)"</relayState><samlResponse>name="SAMLResponse" value="(.*?)"</samlResponse></definition>

  • Changes to this property requires a restart of the Smart Office server.

Note: The order in this property array must match the correct IDP in the Identity Provider URLs list.
Database connection retry count Integer The number of retry attempts used when getting a database connection. Valid values are between 0 and 60.
Max roaming file size Integer KB

The max file size in kilobytes is for roaming user files. If a file is larger than the specified, it will not be uploaded to the server.

The default if not set is 2000 KB.

The recommended is 500 KB or lower.
Settings refresh time Integer

The time in minutes between refreshing all settings.

The default is 0 which means no automatic refresh.

The minimum allowed value is 15 minutes. Only set this refresh time, if you have rules attached to settings connected to roles.

This is because changing refresh time will affect performance. When all settings are refreshed, all settings are downloaded to all clients.

Note: The minimum allowed value is 15 minutes. A value that is 1-14 minutes will be considered as 15 minutes.
We recommend to manually refresh after a user has been added to a Smart Office related group in the Miscellaneous page under MangoServer Administration in the Grid.